Sunday, October 28, 2012

Little Super Man

     It has been a week since Chase was diagnosed with several congenital heart defects.  For his family it has been a draining, exhausting, emotional test of endurance.   He is now off the ventilator and staying beautifully pink as well as maintaining weight which is excellent.  He is showing signs of struggling a bit more as time passes, an unneeded reminder of the necessity of this surgery and the miracle of modern medicine.  Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday and will take a few hours.  On a scale of 1-10 it is a 7-8 in complexity but his surgeon is confident. Afterwards he will be sedated for at least a few days to manage his pain and keep him peaceful in order for his body to heal.
    Chase now has a central line so that his IV lines don't need to be changed every few hours and his IV has been placed in his head in order to give his arms and leg a chance to heal.  Even for a baby he has very sensitive skin.   He was able to be visited by his older brother Saturday.   Following surgery it will be several weeks before Chase recovers and it may be a long time before his siblings are able to snuggle him again.  I am sure when they are both older it will be a cherished memory for Caden.      
    Brandi has told me following Chase's birth this was a much more difficult recovery for her physically.  She was in much more pain than she had been with her other babies.  Despite having a house to move and family to take care of she was in too much pain at times to do anything more than lay and snuggle with Chase.  I am sure at the time my sister felt she should have been up and doing more, but she was given that time to enjoy and soak up her baby while she could. She later said it was heaven to just have to sit and hold him, a precious blessing now that she gets to have him in her arms only short periods of time each day. Despite not being able to be with him all the time Chase still responds to his mother's touch and voice, a sweet gift for  anxious tired mom I am sure.  It is amazing the way Heavenly Father sees the details and blesses us in the strangest ways sometimes.

     I struggle to understand why he and his family have to go through this.  At this time I am grateful they are able to see the miracles that come with it.  First and foremost we are grateful for the prodding of the spirit letting them know something was wrong despite the fact the signs were not overly apparent.  Secondly, it is a tremendous blessing modern medicine can keep him stable; and caring, trained, competent people are courageous enough to walk into the operating room every day and literally take babies hearts into their hands.  Third, it is an overwhelming blessing to see the good in people.  As my sister's family has had to carry this tremendous burden they have been overwhelmed by the people willing to reach out in any way possible.  For me, feeling so helpless hundreds of miles away it is an amazing gift to know there are other people willing to step in and do what I can't.  When I wish so badly I could be there they have shown Christ-like love by performing a service I can't.  Last, of course we are grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  For the knowledge that families are eternal, and Heavenly Father has a plan for us.  I am grateful to know that when my sister can't hold her baby in the NICU and has to drive home and leave him there, he has two angels watching over him.  I have mentioned it before, but just knowing Chase needs my Mom and  Dad more than we do right now, makes it okay to not have them here with us.  I am grateful for the power of the priesthood and the amazing comfort that can come from priesthood blessings, as well as the power of prayer.  I am grateful that despite an uncertain future we can still have peace and enjoy each precious moment here and now.  As Wednesday approaches I hope we all will continue to pray for Chase and his family that they can be strengthened and comforted.  If you would like to send an encouraging word or thoughts to Ben and Brandi please leave comments here so they can read them as they get the time.


Mackenzie said...

We are praying for Chase and your whole family! What a beautiful baby he is. We will continue to be thinking about you and praying for many more miracles and tender mercies sent to you. Love, Mackenzie

Unknown said...


You and your sweet family are in my prayers. What a precious little guy. Take care during this incredibly difficult time. Much love,

Alicia (Weatherspoon) Johnson