Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

For Chase's family today is a happy but tense one.  He is still doing well following surgery. They were able to fix the aortic arch and repair the holes in his ventricles.  Fortunately, the narrowing of his Aorta was just mild enough that they didn't have to surgically repair it at this point.  His parents were able to see him yesterday afternoon.  Unfortunately, no matter how hard they try to prepare you for how they look afterwards words can't really do it adequately.  It was pretty overwhelming for them to see him last night with his chest still open and tubes everywhere.  Sadly it is the scariest halloween costume he will probably ever wear.  Someday they will show pictures, but Brandi says she just isn't ready to yet.   He is in amazing care.  His body temperature is good and he is stable.  Brandi says it is amazing to watch the nurses.  They never sit down because they are constantly checking him and adjusting meds etc.  They have to precisely balance his blood pressure to keep it from getting too high that it puts too much strain on his stitches and tears open his incisions, to preventing it from dropping too low that he crashes.  I am sure it is a delicate dance with a painful, sedated newborn baby. It takes a special type of person to willing take on that kind of pressure.  Brandi says they are so calm though , and she is trying to follow their lead and not freak out unless they do.  Chase has passed one major hurdle but he still has a long difficult recovery ahead.  So far, it is just one hour and day at a time.  Keep praying.

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