Monday, November 5, 2012

Our Little Miracle

Chase is doing so awesome.  I was able to talk to Brandi for just a few minutes yesterday.  She was whispering so she wouldn't wake Chase up.  Why does that matter?  Because it means he wasn't drugged into another world.  In fact he hasn't been on any pain meds since Friday.  Pretty incredible considering his chest was wide open up until Wednesday afternoon.   He was also being weaned off the Oxygen and has been working up to eating more.  They plan to try a bottle today.  With this type of surgery it is apparently too much to try to suck, swallow and breathe all at the same time too soon after. Brandi says he was awake a lot yesterday and that he was probably trying to make up for missing three weeks.  I am sure she is just grateful to see him conscious.  He also got transferred to a crib and can actually be wrapped up in a blanket now that he doesn't have tubes and monitors everywhere.  We are so grateful for the miracle of modern medicine and that Chase is recovering so well and expected to live a full healthy life despite being born with a condition that would have been unrepairable less than a century ago.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Mikaela, thanks so much for putting this blog together. I wanted to text Aubrey every day for an update, but it's so nice not having to bother her because I can just read everything here! Luke and I pray for baby Chase every morning after checking for updates. He's such a miracle baby. I know your parents are comforting him and watching over him when no one else can. I can't believe how well his recovery has gone. It must be all the prayers in his behalf.